Medical Board Complaints

Common Causes Of Medical Board Complaints: Process, Risks, Threats

Medical board complaint refers to the process of registering a complaint against any medical practitioner. A patient can complain to the respective state medical council or boards for unprofessional conduct and inadequate care by a physician or healthcare provider. If the patient is covered by medicare, they can file a complaint directly to medicare.

spousal gap

Spousal Income Gaps: When Only One Spouse Is A Physician

In the United States, there is a significant difference in income between doctors and non-doctors. In fact, according to one study, the average physician makes $242,000 while the average American earns just over $48,000. When both spouses are physicians, this income gap continues to exist, but it may not be as significant. However, when only one spouse is a physician (and often they’re female), there is often an economic disparity that can potentially lead to marital stress and divorce.

telemedicine jobs for doctors

Alternatives to telemedicine jobs for doctors and practitioners

Telemedicine is only one of the many alternatives to traditional clinical practice. Here are remote clinical opportunities for doctors who want to supplement telemedicine or who like the idea of practicing remotely but don’t really like doing traditional telemedicine encounters.

sabbatical for doctors

Sabbatical for doctors: the how, what, and why

A sabbatical for doctors can be an awesome way to rejuvenate your medical career, fend off burnout, and help you cultivate a fulfilling professional life. In this article, we dispel a couple sabbatical myths and give you the details needed to take one yourself.


Preventing burnout as a physician

We hear so much about physician burnout, and what to do about it once it sets in. But, really, we should each be designing a career for ourselves that prevents burnout form the very beginning. We need to safeguard against the factors that lead to burnout so that it never even begins to set in.

The most fulfilling medical careers require proactivity

Find fulfillment in your career as a physician

Physicians often struggle to find fulfillment in their careers. The underlying meaning and significance of a career in medicine may be clear, but how to make it satisfying on a personal level is a different challenge.