The Watering Hole – November 2019

Published by Lookforzebras

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The Watering Hole is a curation of blog posts, articles, and news from across the internet that complement the material on Look for Zebras. It aims to arm you with information to have a fulfilling career in medicine, be financially secure, and make the most out of your extensive training and expertise.

Starting a side gig or taking your existing side hustle to the next level

Articles with detailed, actionable advice are often some of the best. That’s why I really liked 11 Simple Ideas that Tripled my Business from Side Hustle Nation. Their recommendations include some great ideas about how to automate (or eliminate or delegate) tasks that don’t actually require your brainpower. This is key for juggling a full-time job with a side hustle and retaining balance in life.

Peter of Passive Income MD delved into why physicians are turning to side hustles now more than ever in a Doximity Op-Med piece. The benefit of side hustles isn’t just the extra income. Hustles are an opportunity to use our creativity and explore an interest that we don’t use as part of our everyday work.

For anyone at a loss for how to get started with a side gig, Dr. Mo of Sustainable Medicine is an inspiration. Check out his ideas for side hustles that can be done as a physician digital nomad – meaning that you can do them from anywhere with little more than a laptop and an internet connection. Dr. Mo makes an impressive $10,000 or more per month with several of these hustles, currently from Barcelona, Spain.

Being deliberate about career transitions

Doctors contemplating a career change, transitioning to a nonclinical job, or “quitting medicine” are faced with all sorts of difficult questions. Some of them are logistical. Some are existential.

I frequently tell physicians to avoid making career changes out of frustration. You need to be deliberate. Crispy Doc echoes this advice in Remember, Medicine Was Your Plan A by reminding readers that a career change doesn’t mean we’ve been rejected by a career. You can be grateful for what you’ve gained or accomplished during your “plan A” career. Like so many aspects of life, sometimes it makes sense to progress to plan B. And sometimes C or D.

In an excerpt from their book Physician – Time to Invest in Yourself posted to AAPL, Drs. Tim Paterick and Elizabeth Ngo encourage readers to plan out a trajectory of their lives. “Learn to be selective, explicit, and systematic in how you spend your time,” they say.

Dr. Barbara Hamilton of Tired Superheroine has insightful thoughts about how to stand out in a good way, as a medical student, during job or residency interviews, and in your full-time work.

You might need some help in learning how to stand out (in a good way) while interviewing for jobs as you transition your career. There’s nothing wrong with turning to others for assistance and evening shelling out some cash for coaching. Consider this: candidates really wanting a job with Amazon are paying over $5000 for a mock interview workshop from an expert.

Making the most of your limited time

Financial independence and productivity are two topics we love here at L4Z. Physician Zen nicely connects the two in an article about ways that productivity leads to financial independence. Productivity doesn’t mean just getting stuff done. It means having a clear insight into your projects and commitments, prioritizing effectively, and staying focused on your goals.

Overscheduling, inconsistent work schedules, and unpredictable obligations can take a toll on our personal lives. Judith Shulevtiz’s article in The Atlantic – Why You Never See Your Friends Anymore – is an interesting review of how society and the workforce have tried to address these issues in the past and what we may need to do moving forward.

Dr. Suneel Dhand gives 3 reasons to be a doctor and have a career in medicine. Job demand is one of them. Another one, though, is options. This includes the option to work in a nonclinical capacity. If you are overscheduled and never see your friends anymore despite your best efforts to address the challenges at your current job, you may benefit from considering your other options.

Keeping it light

Gomer Blog did not disappoint with their recent updated levels of evidence ratings. Their system is comprised of 16 hilarious levels of evidence, including fortune cookies and anyone who says “I’ve done my research.”

Our own article from last month on being a HENRY gained some internet traction. It seems a lot of medical professionals can relate to the notion of being a high earner, but not being “rich” yet.

Thanks for gathering with me around the watering hole. Go forth and look for zebras.

2 thoughts on “The Watering Hole – November 2019”

  1. I am a B.C. Anesthesiologist who transitioned my career as Medical Acupuncturist after practicing Anesthesia for 25 yrs.
    It is now 9 yrs for this transition with steady practice.
    Now I wish to do something else instead of retiring .
    I have no writer or blogger skills.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated

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