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Do Medical Residents Get Health Insurance?

Medical residency is a training that all medical school graduates have to participate in as part of their post-graduate training. It is a training accredited by recognized bodies such as the Accreditation Council For Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Residency training is one of the most critical parts of becoming a doctor.

Because the first year of residency is deemed an internship, first-year residents are sometimes referred to as PGY-1 (postgraduate year one) or interns. Interns become residents after their second year of residency when they concentrate more on their field of expertise. Doctors who progress to subspecialties after completing their residency are known as fellows, and the training is known as a fellowship.

All resident doctors must graduate from medical school with a doctoral degree. Residents must get a license from the region or state where they work to provide care during their residency. Junior residents may hold a restricted training license, but to progress with their training or open their medical practice, they must receive a full unrestricted license.

As they are working in the medical and health industry, does this mean medical residents get health insurance? We are going to explore this topic to see what it involves and the considerations to keep in mind.

Do Medical Residents Have Health Insurance?

Most of the hospitals that you can choose from will have health insurance covering medical residents. Medical residents are not covered by their university’s health insurance, dental insurance, or vision insurance.

Medical residents can also get additional coverage through COBRA, which allows them to maintain the same level of benefits they had as an employee once they leave the company. However, this only lasts for up to 18 months after leaving the position and includes a substantial premium increase (typically 50%).

How Much Will Health Insurance Cost Me As A Resident?

Insurance premiums are based on your age and the cost of your health plan. You will pay a premium for yourself and any other adults in your household who don’t get coverage through Medicare or Medicaid. This includes any children younger than 19 who live with you and meet certain requirements (for example, they must be U.S. citizens).

How Much Will It Cost My Family?

The cost of health insurance is based on various factors, including age, medical history, and gender. However, the average cost of health insurance for residents is generally less than $100 per month. Individuals may qualify for free coverage through Medicaid or Medicare in some cases.

  • Average monthly rate: $50-100 (cost varies according to age)
  • Average annual rate: $1,000-2,000 (cost varies according to age)

How Much Will It Cost To Insure My Spouse?

  • If you are married, your spouse will be covered under your plan.
  • If you are not married, your spouse will have to get their own health insurance plan.

If your spouse is covered under your plan, they will have to pay the same premium as you do.

How Much Will It Cost To Insure My Children?

Your children’s insurance costs will depend on a few different factors, including their age and whether or not you have an employer-sponsored or private health insurance plan.

  • If your child is under the age of 18, they can stay on your insurance plan until they turn 26 years old.
  • If your child is already over the age of 18 (and therefore has to get a plan), their premiums will be based on their job status and possibly income level, and any preexisting conditions.

How About My Older Children Or Parents Who Live With Me?

  • If one of your children is covered under your plan, they will be eligible to have their parents added as a dependent.
  • However, if you have an older child who no longer lives with you and is not claimed as a dependent on your taxes, they will not be eligible for coverage through any family plan.
  • Your parents can get their health insurance plan or join the same provider network as yours to receive coverage from their doctor or hospital (depending on what’s available).
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What About Dental And Vision Insurance?

It’s important to note that dental and vision insurance are not covered by the federal government, Medicaid, Medicare, or most health insurance companies. The only exception is if you have a high-deductible plan, in which case you can use an HRA account (Health Reimbursement Arrangement) to pay for your dental and vision needs.

However, these accounts must be set up before you need them. If you haven’t taken steps to set one up when you’re still employed outside of residency, then it will be difficult for you to get coverage for these services once you start working as a resident.

You Can Get Health Insurance As A Medical Resident

As a medical resident, you can get health insurance.

The medical school covers you

If you’re a medical resident working for a university or hospital, then your employer is the institution that hires you and not the hospital or university. This means that your employer will provide basic health coverage for its employees. If this is the case for you, then congratulations! Your employer’s plan should cover all of your needs without paying extra for it (which is what would happen if you were covered by one of these other options).

An outside company doesn’t cover you

Medical residents who have jobs at hospitals may not have access to their own separate group health plans because they are technically employees of their institutions rather than outside companies such as Walgreens or Walmart. As such, they must rely on whatever benefits come with being employed by the hospital itself (which might include great vacation time but very little in terms of healthcare).

What If My Child Is A Medical Resident?

If you’re a parent and your child is a medical resident, he or she may be able to take advantage of the premium tax credit. This tax credit is available to people who purchase health insurance through the marketplace and whose income meets certain requirements. The tax credit amount depends on how much money you make and how many people live in your household.

For example, if your family earns less than 40% of the federal poverty line (FPL), then you’ll likely qualify for some assistance with premiums. If so, you would use the FPL figure in your state when applying for coverage; otherwise, use 40% as an approximation for whether or not your income qualifies for help paying for health insurance premiums based on federal guidelines set by law.


As a medical resident, your employer offers health insurance or through your spouse’s workplace.

If you are an employee of the hospital and receive health insurance from your own company, this is considered ’employer-provided coverage.’ If you are employed by a school (for example, a teaching hospital or university) and receive health insurance from that employer, this is also considered ’employer-provided coverage.’

As long as you pay no more than 9.5% of your income for these benefits, there will be no taxes. However, if you do not claim 100% dependent status for anyone else on your tax return (or if they must file their tax return), any part of the benefit—up to 9.5%—paid by someone else may be taxable income.

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